Friday, September 25, 2009

What I Learned from Arnold

What I learned from Arnold is that truly anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Arnold followed his passions since he was young. At the age of 15 he discovered body building and fell in love with the sport. His dream became to be the best body builder in the world, and even though the sport wasn't very popular and his parents didn't support him in doing it, he still pursued his dream because it was what he enjoyed to do. His philosophy throughout his whole life was to always be enjoying life, and never to be doing something that took away from your joy. Also, Arnold showed me some prime examples of perseverance. When Arnold began to pursue his dream of becoming a movie star; all he was told was negative things about how he wasn't going to become a successful actor because of his body build, his accent, his acting skills, etc. Arnold didn't let these negative comments phase him, he kept on pursueing his dream of becoming a famous actor and in the end due to all his perseverence he succeded.

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