Friday, September 25, 2009

What I Learned from Arnold

What I learned from Arnold is that truly anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Arnold followed his passions since he was young. At the age of 15 he discovered body building and fell in love with the sport. His dream became to be the best body builder in the world, and even though the sport wasn't very popular and his parents didn't support him in doing it, he still pursued his dream because it was what he enjoyed to do. His philosophy throughout his whole life was to always be enjoying life, and never to be doing something that took away from your joy. Also, Arnold showed me some prime examples of perseverance. When Arnold began to pursue his dream of becoming a movie star; all he was told was negative things about how he wasn't going to become a successful actor because of his body build, his accent, his acting skills, etc. Arnold didn't let these negative comments phase him, he kept on pursueing his dream of becoming a famous actor and in the end due to all his perseverence he succeded.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"...who am I?"

Assessment #1 - Personality Assesment:

In this assessment I found out that my dominant personality type was Choleric (The Extrovert; The Doer; The Optimist). The key strengths to this type of personality are being a born leader, dynamic and active, compulsive need for change, must correct wrongs, strong-willed and decisive. Weaknesses to managhe for this personality type are being bossy, impatient, and quick-tempered. My secondary personality type was Sanguine (The Extrovert; The Talker; The Optimist). The key strengths of this personality type are personality, talkative, story-teller, life of the party, good sense of humor, memory for color, physically holds on to listener. Weaknesses to manage for this personality type are compulsive talker, exaggerates and elaborates.

Assessment #2 - Assessment

This assessments results for me were that I'm an Animated Director. Being an Animated Director means that I am very practical and pay attention to details, I am outgoing, comfortable with others, and up for anything.

Assessment #3 - VIA Survey of Character Strengths

Strength 1: Capacity to love and be loved - You value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated.

Strength 2: Honesty, authenticity, and genuieness - You are an honest person, not only speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine way.

Strength 3: Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty - You excel as a membver of a group, you are a loyal and dedicated teammate.

Strength 4: Industry, dilgence, and perseverance - you work heard to finish what you start

Strength 5: Modesty and humility - you do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let you accomplishments speak for themselves.

So What?

Now that I know all of this information and can focus on my strengths, and use them to my advantage and also, at the same time be aware of my weaknesses and manage them. Another way I can use all this information to my advantage is to play upon my strengths and use them all to my advantage. They are my qualities that I am good at so why not use them to my advantage. Being aware of my weaknesses is another great advantage because not all the qualities in these assessments are good and therefore being aware and being able to manage these bad qualities will not only help me become a better entrepreneur but also an overall better person.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

If the bottom fell out tomorrow I would...

If i lost my job, I would start to seek work else where right away, but being in a crisis and having to support my family I would need to start making money as soon as possible. I have many resources such as a tractor, lawn mower, pressure washer, weed eater, and also a suv. Using these resources that I have I could do many jobs for money such as washing cars, washing windows, mowing laws, weed eating, and also with my suv I could pick up peoples junk. All of these jobs are very common jobs that people need done and are willing to pay money for. Also. another idea I have would be running a food ordering service where people could call me with there order and I could go pick up their food for them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"How to Kill the Entrepreneurial Spirit"

I enjoyed reading the article " How to Kill the Entrepreneurial Spirit" by Larry Farrell very much. I found all of the stories of not only the successful businesses very interesting but also the not so successful business interesting as well. The story about Xerox especially, I was extremely shocked that Xerox invented so many break through products such as the first computer and first fax machine and due to bad marketing lost billions of dollars of profit. The story of Xerox is a perfect example of bad marketing and just goes to prove that no matter how good your product is you need to have marketing skills as well to go along with it in order for the business to be successful. After reading this article I have learned that in order to have a successful business you need to not only have a good product but also good marketing as well to go along with that good product, if you have both of these attributes then your business will be successful.