1. The Harder you work the luckier you get
2. Don't Burn your bridges
The reason I choose these two points is because I really took these two in the most out of all the points and I believe they are extremely important in not only business but also in life. First off, the harder you work the luckier you get is a statement that I couldnt agree with more because people who are considered lucky are lucky for a reason just as Tina Seelig said in her speech "the lucky people are lucky because they made themselves lucky". Lucky people are people who put themselves in the position to be lucky such as getting themselves into the position where they are most likely to get an oppurnity and also they are ready more for oppurtunities than unlucky people even when they don't expect them. Secondly, don't burn your bridges is another really important point that Tina brought up. This point is so important because the more connections you have the better and also if you burn your bridges with someone eventually there will be some point where you could have ether used their help in something or even needed a favour and they won't be there for you therefore making as much connections as you can and not ruining any of those connections is extremely important.
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