Monday, October 26, 2009

Seth Godin on Sliced Bread

Seth Godin starts of by talking about sliced bread and how it took 15 years to catch on due to bad advertising. The way people use to advertise was known as "the T.V industrail complex". The way this idea worked was that you buy some ads which gets more distribution which sells more products which gets more money. This cycle continues to go in a circle, but in fact was cancelled because it was proven to not be effective. Advertisers usually target the mass majority of average people; the people in the middle of the curve, when in fact they should try and target the curve of people (the fringe) who are obessed with their product or service because they will listen and hopefully tell their freinds thus the word will spread. Another major point Seth Godin made was that Design is free when you get to scale and the people who come up with remarkable things are people who find a way to make design work for them. Also, being safe is risky and being very good is bad because both of these are boring and people don't notice boring things therefore they won't notice you or your business.

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